Kate Varini

Kate Varini


Kate Varini began her career through a lengthy period spent working as a hotel manager in the UK and Italy. Initially specialising in Rooms Management, she quickly moved into REVENUE MANAGEMENT and E-COMMERCE as Internet adoption grew within the sector. After completing a Master Degree in 2007, Kate gradually became more interested in harnessing REVENUE-MANAGEMENT and E-COMMERCE opportunities in a wider range of service organisations. Kate’s ambition is to professionalise the discipline of REVENUE-MANAGEMENT to the same level as such disciplines as Finance or Marketing by working with professional bodies to create a recognized REVENUE MANAGEMENT professional body. Kate regularly delivers REVENUE MANAGEMENT seminars around Europe & Middle East region, and works with small hotel chains and independents with the goal of enhancing their REVENUE-MANAGEMENT capabilities.
Kate Varini teaches on the highly ranked online MBA of the I.E. Business school, at the Institut Paul Bocuse, and for the INSEEC Business School. Until recently, Kate was a Senior lecturer at Oxford Brookes University and at the famous Ecole hôteliere in Lausanne and Les Roches Hotel Management School.